Main Library Collection

Community Virtual Library Main Library Collection Snapshot
CVL Main Library, Collection Snapshot 2021

Explore our collection online

[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSN7XK5SwKvejcAH7uHeY-dl1Qg8x8Uj3n8U8Y_8ZMXqgLAA8Po2ep7-scLs_mBmg/pubhtml” query=”widget=true&headers=false” /]

about the collection

The spreadsheet has four tabs where you can view the list of items alphabetically by Location (in the virtual library), Subject, Title, or Author.

The final tab–“Main Library Collection (Sortable)”–can be used only at the spreadsheet’s main link. To sort, visit the spreadsheet, click the horizontal green lines on the right of a heading and select “Sort A->Z”

All items on the spreadsheet are also available to explore in our library in Second Life.

About the main library

CVL’s Main Library is located in Second Life. Dawn Greymyst designed and built the 2021 remodel of the library, and many other volunteers have contributed to the build and collection over the years.

The Main Library is managed by Carla Pritchett (Suemoon Magic in SL). To visit the library in Second Life, download a Second Life viewer and visit (For more information about joining SL, visit our Orientation page.)

The Main Library serves as a demonstration virtual library. It is an imagining of how libraries in a virtual space might mimic physical libraries. It explores the limitations and advantages for libraries, their collections, and their users in virtual worlds.

You may notice many resources in the library are also freely available via Project Gutenberg and other places on the Web. The main library’s purpose is not to create or lend original content. Instead, the building and its collection exist to allow users who cannot visit a physical library (or who wish to visit a virtual one regardless of physical ability) may be among the shelves and books from the comfort of a computer.

For original content both on the Web and in-world, check out our many other projects and resources!

Also consider using our Main Library for office hours, meet-ups (personal and professional), and tours. Or just sit back, relax, and enjoy this beautiful space.