Visit us in-world
Visit the CVL Reference Desk in Second Life and you’ll often find a librarian who will chat with you and answer your questions about Second Life libraries and more.
Join a group in-world
Join a Second Life group to keep in touch with events, activities and information about CVL and Librarians in Second Life. Group members receive Second Life notices about events.
Librarians of Second Life
This group is comprised of library volunteers – librarians, library staff, library students, educators, and other interested parties. Our librarians come from all around the globe and from all types of libraries. If you are a librarian, library student, or other interested volunteer, please ask to join this group by sending an instant message to Valibrarian Gregg.
Group notices and IMs are for the express purpose of letting group members know about events taking place at Community Virtual Library.
Second Life Library 2.0
Friends of libraries in Second Life. Group receives notices of library related events, such as book discussions, author talks, art exhibit openings, seminars, workshops, and much, much more!
Group notices and IMs are for the express purpose of letting group members know about events taking place at Community Virtual library or affiliated libraries.
Connect with us on social media
CVL on discord
CVL on Facebook
CVL on Twitter
CVL on YouTube
CVL Podcast
Metaverse Libraries Google Group (You must ask to join this group. Contact for assistance)