CVL Podcast Station

Valerie Hill and Pi Ellios interview Lori Bell and Rhonda Trueman, January 11, 202
Valerie Hill and Pi Ellios interview Lori Bell and Rhonda Trueman, January 11, 2021

Listen to virtual world library discussions on-the-go with CVL’s podcasts:

Topics include readings, CVL history, book discussions, censorship talks, and more.

To book the station for your own podcast or to recommend a future CVL podcast, contact valibrarian in Second Life.

Highlight: CVL History Podcasts

History of the Community Virtual Library (Part 1)

An interview with early adopter librarians who began the virtual world library in 2006- Lori Bell and Rhonda Trueman.

CVL History: Early Librarians Rocky and Cindy

Experiences of early virtual librarianship are shared by Rocky and Cindy, physical world librarians who were early adopters of virtual worlds in Second Life.

CVL History: First Academic Librarian Barbara Galik (Puglet Dancer)

Barbara Galik describes early memories about bringing the first academic library into Second Life.