Our indefatigable Val presented at the Library 2.022 mini-conference: “Virtual Reality and Learning: Leading the Way,” held online on Tuesday, March 29th, 2022.
Library 2.0 recognized the rise and importance of Virtual Reality in libraries, education, museum, and professional learning spheres:
Virtual Reality is a social and digital technology that uniquely promises to transform learning, build empathy, and make personal and professional training more effective and economical.
The organizers issued a call for proposals to begin a national conversation about the use of XR/immersive learning technology and about making content available to all users, creating spaces where digital inclusion and digital literacy serves those who need it the most.
Here you can find the video and the chat log of Val’s presentation for the conference:
Librarians in the Metaverse Support Critical Thinking and Metaliteracy, Dr. Valerie Hill, Library Director, Community Virtual Library
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